Stratiform clouds in collapsed boundary layers are relatively rare and their cloud water content see
Figure: The black lines of the left-hand side figure show the relative distribution of all stratocumulus decks worldwide for two...

Ships brighten clouds even when you cannot see it
Figure [courtesy: Diamond et al. (2020)]: Increase in cloud optical thickness (measure of reflectivity of a cloud) within the shipping...

Two out of three chance that anthropogenic aerosol have offset at least 20% and at most 50% of the g
Figure: Schematic summarising sources of anthropogenic aerosol and their direct interaction with radiation and their impact on clouds...

Cloud ice could impact cloud patterns in mixed-phase stratocumulus
Figure [Courtesy Eirund et al (2019)]: Snapshot of vertically integrated liquid water path (LWP) and ice water path (IWP) of mixed phase...

Arctic stratocumulus respond differently to aerosol perturbations over the open ocean and the ice sh
Figure 1 [Courtesy: Eirund et al (2019)]: Schematic illustrating the change in Arctic stratocumulus cloud properties over the open ocean...

Ships may alter cloud-radiative properties even when not detected from space
Figure: LHS: Cloud albedo of a shallow cloud scene where a ship track forms around the emission source. The ship is moving continuously...

German research initiative "Make our planet great again" (MOPGA-GRI) funds four years of r
From November 1st, I will be starting my own research group at the Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Science at Goethe...

Huge geophysical potential for open ocean wind farms in the North Atlantic
Figure 1: Floating wind turbines being transported to the first floating turbine wind farm site (Hywind project) situated off the...

Compensating Feedback Mechanisms in Aerosol Perturbed Stratiform Mixed-Phase Clouds
Figure: Process schematic of aerosol cloud effects in boundary layer mixed-phase clouds (See text for explanation). In the Arctic,...

How well is local cloud brightening induced by aerosol emissions represented in coarse-resolution cl
Table: Ship-induced changes in the mean shortwave (SW) cloud radiative effect (CRE) at the top of atmosphere and cloud optical thickness...